Terms and Conditions



ABC Software retains sole copyright and title to these programs and documentation. All rights are reserved.

You are granted a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to operate the software on a single computer for your own use. (or on a single network if you have the multi-user version of the software).

No distributor dealer or agent is authorised to change these terms.


Limited Liability

Although we work hard to test our software for robustness and accuracy, it is impossible to guarantee that a complex computer program is free of small faults (bugs). In addition the results produced by a program depend on the information entered at the keyboard; and the correct operation of the computer system.

ABC Software and their agents and distributors can accept no liability for the use of this program or any direct or indirect consequential damages arising from the use of this program.

It is the responsibility of the user of the program to check that this program is suitable for their requirements; that it is installed correctly; and that any results of its use are correct.


We welcome feedback and suggestions for enhancements. Any problems or bugs reported will be investigated and any bug fixes will be incorporated in future updates (available from the ABC website).